Welcome ICMI seminar and conference attendees!

The Customer Queue Calculator is compatible with Excel for both Windows and Mac. It enables you to:

  • Estimate base staff requirements for any half hour.
  • Gain a wealth of related insight on customer delay times, employee occupancy (amount of time they are directly helping customers), and other variables.
  • Predict the workload that will be carried by systems (if applicable).
  • Illustrate the “power of one”—the impact each employee has on customers and other employees.

You will need to Enable Macros when you open the calculator in Excel. You will find information on how to use the calculator and a contact for support in the Instructions tab.

Check back for updates/improvements we may make to the calculator in the future. We hope you enjoy!

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Version: 1.2

How Contact Centers Behave
Want to learn more about the dynamics you’ll see as you use the calculator? Download this chapter from Brad’s book, Contact Center Management on Fast Forward.

Harnessing Contact Center Dynamics to Achieve Top Performance